Learning Design Studio™

Learning Design Studio™ is a one-stop platform
for you to prepare learning design for enhancing
the lesson quality.

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Why Learning Design Studio™


  • Collection of templates to support
    learning design procedure.

  • Practices from teaching and learning
    exemplars, class observations
    and teacher interviews.

  • Emphasis on pedagogy to guide
    students through active inquiry.


  • Alignment check between learning
    outcomes, activities, and assessments.

  • Learning design dashboard to present
    easy-to-understand charts of time and
    learning task types distribution.

  • Evidence of learning from
    real-time class implementation.


  • Connection to Learning Management
    System (LMS) to set up course room
    in minutes.

  • Learning analytics to visualize the data
    of learning outcomes and behaviors.

  • Reflection and further improvement
    of learning design.

“A pedagogically grounded productivity and collaboration platform for professionals in the Learning Design (LD), Learning Analytics (LA), and Education communities.”

Community Sharing

Participant of the DesignLAK22 workshop
Participant of the DesignLAK22 workshop
International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK)
A lot to get your head around the depth of thinking and thoroughness embedded in the Learning Design Studio.
Participant of the DesignLAK22 workshop
Participant of the DesignLAK22 workshop
International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK)
LDS seems a very thorough schema to guide instructional designers/instructors when developing and, if I understand correctly, examining some aspects of delivery & student engagement.
Participant of the DesignLAK22 workshop
Participant of the DesignLAK22 workshop
International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK)
The same learning outcomes are targeted in multiple curriculum components, which may help students to revise these skills at different time points of the course.
Participant at HKU Winter Sandbox workshop
Participant at HKU Winter Sandbox workshop
The University of Hong Kong
I think an overview of the mapping (Bloom's Taxonomy Level) can help the designer to know if they have accomplished the goals according to the plan and how the learning progress is achieved in the whole course.
Nina Bianco
(Learning Designer, University of Queensland)
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I think it is great tool for making the design thinking explicit and for others to pick up and run with. It also provides a ‘run sheet’ for the lesson which can be helpful if multiple activities and technology are used in one session.
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LDS 平台打破課時及學習場景的限制。以設計及製作測溫計的課堂為例,在未接觸 LDS 平台前,教師或會選擇向學生展示不同種類的溫度計相片,然而此舉只屬單向灌輸知識,未能激發學生自主學習;經過使用 LDS 平台及調整教案設計後,教師邀請學生到餐廳實地觀察各種的溫度計如何運作,並在網上平台上載相片、影片、文字解說,藉此讓學生自行探索,發掘課程內容與日常生活緊扣之處。
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LDS 讓教師更貼近 Facilitator (學習促進者) 的角色。從前學生遇到困難時,教師會立即提供答案或解決方法,但使用 LDS 平台後,教師在設計教案時,會預留時間讓學生自行討論。教師不會即時解釋對錯,而是帶領學生思考各種現象,從失敗中學習,提升學習動機及創意解難能力。

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